Ignite your inner light
I am honored to dedicate my life to help you improve yours! Connect with me today to begin your journey to a happier, healthier you.

“Innerlume was started with the belief that the body can heal itself naturally when given the proper tools, Innerlume is your tool-belt.”
“I just received my blood work results and we are still cancer free!! Thank you for everything you have done to make this happen.”

Nicole's Story
Though looking healthy from the outside, and bloodwork being “normal”, I felt like I was beginning to fall apart internally. I was exhausted but could never rest, irritable, unexplained skin breakouts, intense back pain, hormonal irregularities, digestive distress and was living on coffee…which seemed to do nothing for my chronic fatigue.
So, I did what everyone does, IGNORED IT. Eventually, I woke up with debilitating intestinal pain, something I’ve never felt before. This feeling slowly went away after a few days, but I never knew where it came from. A few weeks later the intestinal pain came back, and this time was here to stay. I was in constant pain and my belly was bloated like I was 8 months pregnant. Eating became so painful that I had to only consume liquids in order to function.
After ignoring these symptoms for long enough, I knew I needed help. I ended up in the E.R, where everything came back “clear”, and I was sent on my way, even though I was doubled over in pain and vomiting in the room. I wanted to scream. I was tired of feeling like this, and frustrated by the lack of answers. Though cleared by medical doctors, I refused to accept this as my new normal.
ALAS, after trying different natural remedies and practitioners, I came across something called Nutrition Response Testing (NRT). During the first session the practitioner found that I was experiencing a parasitic infection, which had caused a leaky gut, thus overtime making my body very sensitive to almost all foods, no matter how healthy.
FINALLY ANSWERS! I was put on a specific protocol, of whole food nutritional supplements, that my body selected and within two weeks, I felt better than I had in years! As I continued with this work, symptoms that I had dealt with for years that I considered “normal” started to fade away!
I knew I had to go into this work myself. So many of us today walk around feeling awful on the inside, making our day to day activities feel exhausting and difficult. However, just because this is common, does NOT make it normal. There are solutions!
As a practitioner in Nutrition Response Testing, I safely and effectively find toxins in the body that we encounter every day. The stressor categories I address are parasites, chemicals, heavy metals, bacteria, virus, fungus/yeast, foods and emotions. An abundance of these toxins in the body can drastically affect our well-being. I work with people who feel that they are scrambling to do the right things but still feel something is “just off”. Many of my clients have been to doctor after doctor and are sick of hearing “everything looks good”, when it clearly doesn’t feel that way. I locate and clear the ROOT of the issue, rather than just placing a band-aid on the symptom. My practice of assessing the body is precise to you, no two bodies are the same, therefore no two remedies will be the same. This gives the body the ability to successfully unwind, getting to a place of self-healing and self-regulation.
Frequently Asked Questions
The stressor categories I address are parasites, chemicals, heavy metals, bacteria, virus, fungus/yeast, and foods, as well as scars and emotions. An abundance of these toxins in the body can drastically affect our well-being.
My clients typically have tried traditional medicine, but are still struggling with symptoms. Whether you have a medical diagnosis or not, I locate and clear the ROOT of the issue, rather than just placing a band-aid on the symptom.
My practice of assessing the body is precise to you, no two bodies are the same, therefore no two remedies will be the same. This gives the body the ability to successfully unwind, getting to a place of self-healing and self-regulation.